The Florida Occupant Protection Coalition (FOPC) was formed in 2017 to identify and prioritize the state’s most pressing occupant protection issues and develop a plan to maximize the state’s ability to impact crashes involving unrestrained occupants. FOPC members include representatives from agencies and organizations with a working knowledge and understanding of the various components of occupant protection and how those components interrelate.
Name | Title | Organization |
Alan Amidon | Transportation Analyst |
Cambridge Systematics, Inc. |
Amy Artuso | Sr. Program Manager, Occupant Protection |
National Safety Council |
Andrea Atran | Community Traffic Safety Specialist | Florida Department of Transportation—District 2 |
Michael Binder | Associate Professor |
Public Opinion Research Lab at the University of North Florida |
Brennan Blanchard | Crash Records and Research Technician | Florida Department of Transportation |
Keith Bourgault | Fire Chief | Okeechobee Fire Rescue |
Melanie Brocato | Life Safety Educator | Broward County Sheriff’s Office Department of Fire Rescue & Emergency Services |
Danielle Campbell | Traffic Safety Supervisor | Orlando Police Department |
Megan Case | Statewide CarFit Coordinator | Safe Mobility for Life Coalition |
Ronda Cerulli | Safe Kids Treasure Coast Program Director | Florida Department of Health |
Robert Chaffe | Sr. Research Associate | Preusser Research Group |
Chris Craig | Traffic Safety Administrator | Florida Department of Transportation |
Willem de Greef | FDOT OP Program Manager | Florida Department of Transportation |
Bradley Franko | Research Coordinator | University of Florida, Florida OPRC |
Kirk Geweniger | Sergeant | Brevard County Sheriff's Office |
Jacob Gonzalez | Traffic Homicide Detective | Tampa Police Department |
Leilani Gruener | Program Manager, Office of Driver Safety | Florida Department of Highway Safety Motor Vehicles |
Melissa Hamrick | Coalition Leader | Florida Teen Safe Driving Coalition |
Sarah Haverstick | Safety Advocate | Goodbaby International |
Ginny Hinton | UF/IFAS Extension Faculty, CPS Instructor | University of Florida |
Andrew Hopkins | Assistant Director | Public Opinion Research Lab at the University of North Florida |
Carrisa Johns | Occupant Protection Specialist | Orange County Sheriff's Office |
Alexis Kagiliery | Program Manager, Mobility Safety CPS | National Safety Council |
Danielle Kessenger | CPSTI | |
Doreen Kobelo | Associate Professor | Florida A&M University |
Margaret Susie Kolb | CPSTI | DeMond Kolb and Associates |
Jasper Masciocchi | Project Assistant | University of Florida, Florida OPRC |
Gerald McCabe | Safety & Health Specialist | Florida Department of Transportation District 7 |
Christopher Norwood | Sergeant #508 | Hendry County Sheriff's Office |
Julie Noble | Safe Kids SWFL Coordinator | Golisano Children’s Hospital-Safe Kids SWFL |
Zakkiyyah (Zee) Osuigwe | Transportation Planner | Santa Rosa County |
Krista Ott | Fire and Life Safety Educator | Gainesville Fire Rescue |
Andrew Pidgeon | Corporal | Palm Bay Police Department |
Tonya Randolph | Child Passenger Safety Instructor | St. Joseph’s Children’s Wellness and Safety Center |
Tim Roberts | Law Enforcement Liaison | Florida Law Enforcement Liaison Program |
Miranda Sargent | Grants Manager | Santa Rosa County BOCC |
Danny Shopf | Transportation Analyst | Cambridge Systematics, Inc. |
Mark Solomon | Sr. Research Associate | Preusser Research Group |
Rachele Solomon | Injury Prevention/Safe Kids Coordinator | Memorial Healthcare System |
Amy Stafford | Chief | Hendry County Public Safety |
Morgan Stirling | Traffic Homicide Investigator | Fort Walton Beach Police Department |
Tony Threatts | Educational Outreach Planning Consultant | Florida Department of Highway Safety and Motor Vehicles |
Wanda Tison | Program Assistant | University of Florida, Florida OPRC |
Patricia Turner | Program Manager | University of Florida, Florida OPRC |
Stacy Tyrell | Safety & Health Specialist | Florida Department of Transportation District 7 |
Petra Vybiralova-Stanton | Safe Kids Supervisor | Johns Hopkins All Children's Hospital |
Kathryn Wall | Safe Kids Program Director | Safe Kids Palm Beach County |
Jasmine Webb | FDOH | Adult Injury Prevention Coordinator |
Hanna Wells | South Walton Fire District | EMS Logistics Coordinator |
Kathy White | Specifications Coordinator | Florida Department of Transportation |
Morya Willis | State Occupant Protection Planner | Alachua County Traffic Safety Team |
Sandra Winter | Research Assistant Scientist | UF Department of Occupantional Therapy |
Nick Wollschlager | FDOT District 4 Law Enforcement Liaison | Florida Law Enforcement Liaison Program |
Mike Zinn | Program Manager | Florida Department of Transportation District 7 |
Jordyn Zyngier | Pediatric Trauma Injury Prevention & Outreach Coordinator | UF Health Shands Children's Hospital Trauma Services |